Suitable for 12 years and over
Discrimination: must not be endorsed by the work as a whole and any misuse must be infrequent and should not be glamourised
Horror: moderate physical and psychological threat providing they are not frequent or sustained
Imitable behaviour: dangerous behaviour (e.g. hanging/suicide) should not dwell on detail that can be copied
Violence: no emphasis on injuries or blood
Examples from films that I have studied:

Suitable for 15 years and over

Discrimination: must not be endorsed by the work as a whole and any misuse must be in frequent and should not be glamourised
Horror: permitted unless sadistic
Imitable behaviour: dangerous behaviour should not dwell on details which could be easily copied
Theme: no theme is prohibited provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds
Violence: may be strong but should not dwell on infliction
Examples from films that I have studied:

Suitable for adults
No limitations unless in breach of the law (e.g. criminal law)

Examples from films that I have studied:

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